//JavaScript Kütüphaneleri için Dil //1. odeme_sayfasi_adres_full_ekran_adres_kayitci_kontrolu var kargo_yok = 'Sorry, we cant ship to this location'; var yukleniyor = 'Loading'; var yeni_adres_ekle = 'Add New Address'; var cok_adres_kayitli_uyari = 'You have too many registered addresses.'; var cok_adres_kayitli_uyari_1 = 'You can delete some entries from your address book.'; var adres_defterini_gor = 'Click to see your address book.'; var lutfen_bekleyin = 'Please wait'; var acik_adresi_gir = 'Please enter your full address.'; var acik_adres_ornek = 'For example: Door No. Street No. Apartment Name etc'; var acik_adresi_gir_1 = 'Please enter the name of the Neighborhood and the Town or District.'; var acik_adresi_gir_2 = 'Please Select Your Country and City.'; var adres_adi_gir = 'Please Enter an Address Name.'; var adres_adi_gir_1 = 'Home Address, Work Address, Summerhouse, etc.'; var isim_soyad_uyari = 'Please do not leave the Name Surname field blank.'; var kayit_olmadi = 'Registration failed'; var tum_alanlar_dolmali = 'Please fill in all fields.'; var telefon_no_zorunlu_uyari = 'It is mandatory to enter your phone number.'; //2. odeme_sayfasi_adres_full_ekran_kaplayici var fatura_adres_formu = 'Billing Address'; var fatura_isim_soyad = 'Name Surname'; var teslimat_adres_formu = 'Delivery Address'; var teslimat_isim_soyad = 'Recipient Name Surname'; //3. sepet_stok_kontrol var sepet_urun_yeterli_sayisa_yok = 'There is not enough stock for this product.'; var sepet_stok_adeti = 'Current stock quantity'; var toplu_alimlar_icin_bilgi = 'Please contact us for your quantity purchases.'; //4. sepete_ekle var lutfen_secin = 'Please Select'; //5. urun_yorumlama var yorum_kayit_oldu = 'Your comment has been received. Thank you for your attention.'; var yorum_yildizla_oyla = 'Please Vote with Stars.'; var yorum_kayit_hata = 'Generate Unexpected Error, Please Try Again Later.'; var yorum_gecersiz_code = 'Code Not Valid'; var yorum_gecersiz_grup = 'Group Not Applicable'; var yorum_girin = 'Please Enter Your Comment.'; //Katalog var filtreleri_temizle = 'Clear Filters'; var tumunu_filtreleri_temizle = 'Clear All Filters';